Recipe by
World’s Best Hash

RADHASH with Carnivore Crisps Beef Brisket. I subbed radishes for potatoes to create what is now the tastiest hash I have EVER made! It’s like corned beef hash but better, cause the Brisket Beef Crisps are already perfectly seasoned and crispy

•1 3.75 oz bag Carnivore Crisps Beef Brisket
•1 tbsp Carnivore Crisps Beef Butter, or oil
•1/2 onion, finely diced
•2 cups radishes, diced
•1 tsp garlic powder
•1 tsp dried oregano
•1/2 tsp pepper
•salt to taste
•1/4 cup beef broth or water
•2 eggs (optional)
•chives for plating
Sauté veggies and spices over medium high heat until slightly softened. Crush up Carnivore Crisps and add to pan. Pour about 1/4 cup of liquid into pan and cover. Cook for 5 minutes or until radishes are nice and soft. Let mixture fry at high heat, pressing it down to get a nice crust. Remove hash from pan and top with fried eggs and chives.